WAW BadFish vs Timber Fish Handplane

Timber vs Recycled Plastic?

What is the difference?

BadFish vs Timber Handplanes

Key Similarities

  • Same outer shape design and dimensions

  • Same weight

  • Same level of performance

  • Both good for beginners and pros alike

  • Both have fully adjustable bio rubber handstrap

  • Both great for kids and adults alike

Key Differences

  • Material Type

  • Environmental Impact. Clean the ocean vs planting trees

  • Cost

  • Care required (Timber handplanes need more care)

  • Thickness (BadFish is thinner)

In summary

badfish vs timber comparison table.jpg

Pros and cons of a timber bodysurfing handplane

A reivew of the WAW handplanes timber fish

The Timber fish models are the original WAW handpanes design. The design was finalised in 2017 after 3 years of refining and has not altered since then. Why? It’s a winning formula.

Key Pros of the Timber Handplanes:

  • Smooth concave running nose to tail provides extra lift and control

  • Added buoyancy makes for easier wave catching

  • Fully adjustable bio rubber handstrap

  • Beautiful aesthetic

  • Natural timber feel

  • Thick rails for wave face traction

  • Lightweight

  • Great strength to weight ratio.

  • A tree planted for handplane sold.

  • It floats

Cons of the Timber Handplanes:

  • Cost, the hand-shaped nature of the timber handplanes make them more expensive.

  • Extra care required. although strong timber is still subject to scratching and dings and so extra care is required with the timber handplanes to keep them in good condition.

WAW BadFish Body Surfing Handplane

The WAW BadFish Recycled Ocean Plastic Handplane

A review of the WAW BadFish Bodysurfing Handplane

The WAW BadFish was released in 2019 and has been modeled off of the refined WAW timber fish handplane design. The only major design differences are the thickness (the BadFish is a little thinner) and the strap mount system.

Key Pros of the BadFish Handplane

  • Cost-effective RRP @ $89.95

  • Great maneuverability during wave ride

  • Concave running from nose to tail provides extra lift and control

  • Fully adjustable bio rubber handstrap

  • 1 shopping bag full of plastic waste is recycled into every BadFish

  • Thinner profile (0.9cm) allows for excellent paddling freedom and low swim resistance

  • Lightweight

  • Bright colours, easily seen in the water

  • Thinner rails cut into waves face easily to generate hold.

  • Durability can be bashed around and stay in good conditon.

  • It floats

Key Cons of the BadFish

  • Plastic material which lacks a natural material feel

  • Less buoyancy, which makes it a little harder to catch waves initially.

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