Sponsored by WAW Handplanes

Nicholas Brbot - Smuggler wearing big waver charger

Nicholas Brbot - Smuggler wearing big waver charger



WAW Bodysurfing Handplane Arrow Fish | PLANT A TREE
Sale Price: $118.95 Original Price: $140.00

Where do you surf out of?

Eastern Suburbs & the Shire NSW, Australia

Your handplane of choice?

My preferred handplane is the WAW ARROW FISH, it has great lift and holds the line incredibly. its also super comfortable for those long all day sessions

Why do you bodysurf?

From the time I could swim, I was at the beach and from the first time i was at the beach I was bodysurfing. Up until a few years ago I would bodysurf old school, no wetsuit, no fins, no handplane. I'm still a strict budgie smuggler bodysurfer but now i sport fins and a handplane, taking my bodysurfing to the next level. no wave too big, no wave too fast!

Why I love to bodysurf is difficult to express in words. As much as i love the thrill of the slide down the wave, or being deep inside the barrel, one of my favourite feelings in the world is actually being held under water by the raw power of the wave. An eerie silence, succumbing to mother natures washing machine. I find a rare moment of peacefulness and utter relaxation.

What Waves do you like to bodysurf?

 My preferred wave type is a big heavy left-hander. Shoulder surgery last year has temporarily hampered my right hand abilities. However, I am a huge believer of the notion that every wave is a wave worth riding. If there is no waves i like to get out there and swim anyway.

Your top 3 bodysurfing breaks?

In no particular order:

  • Voodoo, Sydney
  • Impossibles, Bali
  • Churchills, Bawley Point



Check out Nick in action on Instagram @nickbrbot

Hand plane body surfing
hand plane body surfing
cape fear boysurfing